Legal Notice

Mandatory details pursuant § 5 TMG

Commit by MitOst gGmbH
Active Citizens Institute
Herzbergstraße 82-84
10365 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30577108271
Email: commit(at)

Markus Lux – MitOst
Ivo Krug – MitOst
Annegret Wulff
Malwina Fendrych
Iliyana Gräbner
Lisa Gimbert
Monika Nikzentaitis-Stobbe

Registered in the registry of associations of the local court Berlin-Charlottenburg
Registry number: HRB 237057 B

VAT identification number: DE303528381

Responsible for content in terms of press law and § 18 MDStV (Mediendienstestaatsvertrag): Malwina Fendrych, Herzbergstraße 82-84, 10365 Berlin, Germany

For editorial contributions that are identified by name, the responsibility in terms of press law lies with the authors.

Out-of-court Dispute Resolution: We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in consumer dispute resolution proceedings.

Content: Malwina Fendrych & Eva Famulla
Design: Ami Jessica Runge /
Web development: Alexander von Freeden /
Photography: Olga Zarko / & Agata Maziarz