Resilient democracies


The Strengthening Democratic Resilience Across Europe – EUDEM project encompasses 12 work packages (WP), 10 in-situ in Hungary, Germany, Italy, Poland and Belgium, and 2 online European wide dedicated to enhancing democratic values, social cohesion, and citizen engagement within the European Union (EU).

These WPs address critical issues such as democratic backsliding, youth disenchantment, social polarisation, and capacity building. They bring together a diverse range of stakeholders, including citizens, civil society organisations, community leaders, and policymakers. The project employs participatory methods to facilitate open dialogue, foster active citizenship, and promote inclusivity, thereby empowering individuals to actively shape the future of Europe.

Additionally, it incorporates capacity building sessions aimed at equipping participants with practical skills for participatory democracy, enabling them to contribute effectively to policy discussions. An AI survey tool is also integrated to ensure broader and more inclusive participation. Furthermore, the project’s sensemaking and harvest events analyse outcomes, distil insights, and inform innovative policymaking, contributing to a more resilient and responsive EU democracy.


>>> Save it in your agenda

>>> All the events and activities have to be carried out according to the EC project proposal. No changes should happen without informing the EC.

>>> Any issue (not enough number of attendees, problems with the event organization, etc) have to be reported as early as possible to the coordinator Commit.

Information Board

>>> will be updated according to the advancement of the project

A few important dates

  • Project duration: 1 August 2024 – 30 July 2026
  • EC Grant Agreement signature: 29/05/2024
  • Budget meeting online on 5th of August

Projct Kickoff meeting in Berlin Overview:

August 27–29, 2024

We will start lunch time on August 27 and finish around lunch time August 29.

  • We would like to invite up to two people from your organization to the meeting. 😊
  • We (the coordinator Commit) will cover travel and accommodation costs for those 2 people/organization.
  • There will also be catering during the event and we would like to have dinner with you on the evening of the 28th.
  • Travel budget: 350€ / person return trip. Please consider all options here, we unfortunately have a very limited budget.

Please book as soon as possible to avoid last minute booking costs.

Please keep all receipts, we will send you a reimbursement form – and reimburse you the travel costs.

Hotel: We would like to ask you to fill the following poll, so that we can book the hotel for you accordingly:

Double room is fully covered (let us know if you want to stay with a specific person),

Single room with paying the additional charge. Breakfast will be included.

Please fill the poll as soon as possible, latest until July 3rd.

Project Events

>>> with minimum number of participants/countries

Event 1: Future of Europe after 2024 elections

Event 2: Challenges to Democracy within the EU

Event 3: Ukrainian immigration to Berlin

… to be continued.

Our Partners

  • Coordinator: Commit/Mitost Germany, Annegret Wulff:, Eva Famulla:, Joe Mac:

  • Socialfokus Hungary: Melinda Varfi:

  • Europiano Italy: Matteo Sisto: & Project Manager Marianna Carlucci:

  • ALDA France-Brussels: Valentina Lovato, Anna Ditta, and Elena Fuerler

  • Galician Foundation Poland: Betka:

  • Subcontracted for facilitation Maria Scordialos:


For more information contact Joe at: